Between preparation, purchase as well as selection, there are plenty of things to be taken into consideration when purchasing fresh produce. If you are not used to buying one in the market, then this article will be a big help on how you can proceed.
Avoid Buying Meat Products that are either Damaged or Bruised
Damaged or bruised meat items are perfect place for bacteria to hide and also, to quickly spread to the rest of vegetable or fruit. Also, consider giving it a light squeeze just before you buy it. If it’s ripe, then it must give a tad bit of pressure. No fruit except from apples must be rock-hard.
Fruits similar to avocados, bananas and pears continue from softening after they are picked and left at room temperature.
Give it a Smell
Fruits that have sweeter fragrance are an indication that it is ripe. And when it comes to size, it is best to go with the smaller ones because they have the tendency to be sweeter.
Go with Vibrant and Colorful Produce
Choose wide range of colorful produce as different colored vegetables and fruits have various phytochemicals that vary when it comes to their in nutritional benefits.