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This is How Your Child Eats Healthy Food

When it comes to child nutrition, one sentence is the basis: Parents are role models. So, if you’re worried about your child’s nutrition, you should also understand your own eating habits. We illustrate how to prepare healthy meals for children.

Parents are often unsettled by recommendations, quantities and their own will to want to do everything right when feeding their children. And then it happens: the one-year-old only wants to eat bananas for days or prefers to play with his food, the three-year-old is given mountains of chocolate for her birthday and only likes cocoa instead of milk.

1. Lots of fruits, vegetables and bread. Plus dairy products, meat, eggs and fish. Sparingly fat and sweet.
2. As a role model, your child needs you! Eat whatever you want your child to eat.
3. Eating together is nourishment for the soul. That improves the feeling of being together.
4. Eating should never be a means of exerting pressure or a reward.
5. It takes a while for new foods. Don't get discouraged.
6. Water is good for children. Unsweetened fruit teas add variety. 
7. Pay attention to variety. As child nutrition is wider, the more food the adult the food varies.
8. Strict diets are difficult to feed children. A vegan diet without animal foods, for example, can lead to deficiency symptoms.
9. Enable your children to assist you in the kitchen. The dishes on which you were permitted to assist taste twice as sweet.
10. Stay calm

Watch the video how good nutrition is one of the keys to a healthy life. You can improve your health by keeping a balanced diet.

When feeding children, it is important not to put pressure on them. Children don’t have to eat and like everything. Deficiency symptoms appear not only after weeks and months of one-sided nutrition but, if at all, after a couple of days. And: Children first test food thoroughly before they find it good. For small children, this also includes touching: How firm is a boiled potato, how fast do peas roll? This is not easy for parents when it comes to eating, but it is important for small children.

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What nutrition does my child needed

There are no fundamental differences of the recommendations for a balanced diet for children with those for a healthy adult diet for their growth and progress. Vitamins, proteins, minerals and carbohydrates are included. For child nutrition, some of the things that adults reduce or prevent for their slim line or because of conviction! For example, bread carbohydrates and meat that are a very good source of protein as well as vitamins B and iron are included in these.

