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Staying Healthy While Playing Games: Food & Esports

As you know, the two main fuels for the brain are glucose and oxygen. If you can safely saturate the brain with oxygen, just going outside during a break and taking 10-15 deep breaths, then glucose intake during intense brain work is needed almost throughout the day.

The diet for the competitive regime:


Porridge will load our body with a portion of complex carbohydrates, which slowly decay will provide us with energy for the whole day. Eggs contain a fat called choline, which acts like a B vitamin that improves memory and reaction time. Honey contains choline (like eggs), plus some fast carbs, which will give the body a quick burst of energy and allow you to start exercising / playing without swinging.

A sandwich is needed for additional satiety, so that hunger does not interfere with active workouts. Cocoa contains the antioxidant flavanol, which improves blood circulation in the brain. Coffee helps to remove the tic of the eye, which sometimes begins with a long session at the computer. In addition, it contains caffeine, which will help you wake up faster and get into rhythm while using valorant elo boosting while playing valorant.


Nuts help improve memory, plus counteract brain aging. Specifically, walnuts contain vitamin E, which is necessary for the brain, polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. This is why walnuts have always been used to improve brain function. Dried fruits help focus your attention.


It is advisable to minimize the fat content of the salad by using fat-free meat (cooked beef / chicken) and using a minimum of mayonnaise, or substituting olive / linseed oil for it. The fish in the salad increases reaction speed and improves attention. A sandwich is needed for additional saturation, herbs (basil, parsley, dill, lettuce) contain trace elements that are necessary to improve the functioning of the brain.

In tomatoes contains antioxidant lycopene, which promotes brain oxygenation, thereby stimulating the blood circulation and, consequently, brain function. Green tea contains a substance known as polyphenol, as well as a large amount of antioxidants, catechins, vitamins A and C. Therefore, it is an excellent prevention of brain diseases.


Bananas contain both fast carbohydrates, which keep the brain working at a particular moment, and slow ones, providing them to the body for the rest of the day. The rest of the fruits are rich in fiber, allowing you to cleanse the body by removing any slag and excess fats from it, which otherwise would have been left to decompose in it.


During the day, it is necessary to maintain the glucose level in the brain with the help of dark chocolate or cranberries in sugar. Bitter chocolate contains the same substances as cocoa (as it consists of cocoa beans). In addition, the cocoa butter in dark chocolate contains many plant proteins that are needed for the development of brain cells.

Cranberries contain antioxidants that prevent the formation of plaque in blood vessels. It has a beneficial effect on the supply of oxygen and nutrients to nerve cells, increasing response and attention. Sugar contains fast carbohydrates that serve as food for the brain.
