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Routine: The Quarantine & Meal Time

Experience and research have long shown that working too hard is harmful. But sometimes it is impossible to work less, and the body needs to be helped to cope with the stress. 

When you are working at full capacity, you have to consume more energy than others.

With intense physical exertion, people expend more energy. Men can burn up to 4000 kcal per day, women – up to 3000 kcal. At the same time, the average daily norms are almost two times less. The energy consumption of people of mental labor is also rather big. If you constantly intensely concentrate on work, and even worry about the result, only 750–1,100 kcal will be spent on supplying the brain with fuel.

Naturally, with active work like How to Sell with Webinars, you need to eat more. But one amount of food does not save you from the main enemy of all working people – chronic fatigue syndrome.

As it is, so as not to burn out at work

Tired of work, the body, which is trying to saturate with calories and nutrients, is like a stove that you forgot to melt. No matter how much wood you put in, there will be no heat – you need fire.

In the body, the role of flame is played by metabolism. When we improperly process the incoming substances, the cells simply do not receive them – hence the feeling of exhaustion. To keep it to a minimum:

Plan your diet 

Take a couple of hours to calculate how many calories and nutrients you need, find the foods you need, and come up with a menu for the week. Then you will save so much energy that the time will pay off.

Eat regularly

Let it be a snack, a sandwich of healthy products, but on time. You should not take a break for more than 4-5 hours between meals, replenish resources.

Take a snack 

Without the right amount of fluid, nutrients will not reach the cells. It is not necessary to adhere to the norm of 2 liters per day, just drink enough so that even mild thirst does not arise. Take vitamins and minerals in supplements  At high loads, nutrients from food are not enough.

Life hack for the very busy

The best way to normalize your metabolism is to get adequate rest, adequate exercise and, of course, fresh air. But we promised a recipe for workaholics who don’t have time for it.

You don’t need to pour in liters of stimulants, you can add energy to yourself in a much more natural way.

High-quality energy exchange in the body is impossible without levocarnitine. This substance, which is close in composition to the B vitamins, is also sometimes called vitamin B11.

Its main function is to transport fatty acids in the cell for the subsequent formation of energy from them. When there is not enough levocarnitine, fats are not broken down in the required volume, they are deposited in tissues, and are not used for energy production. As a result, we get tired, lose fitness and cannot concentrate.

The consumption rate of levocarnitine is 300 mg, as much of this substance is contained, for example, in 300-400 grams of raw beef. With heavy loads and nervous tension, the body’s need for levocarnitine increases several times, up to 1,500 mg. Even special meat lovers will not eat that much.

Studies have shown that additional intake of this drug leads to good results: overall well-being and mood improves, fatigue subsides, it becomes easier to cope with anxiety and concentrate.
