Animals have very different metabolic rates than humans, and what is good for us can be harmful and even fatal for a dog.
The food you must never give your dog
This fruit turns out to be controversial. Both its harm is warned about on all specialized websites for pets, and it is contained in some treats for dogs.
To make this clear, the peel and pit are the most dangerous for your furry four-legged friend because they contain the toxin persin. It can cause diarrhea and vomiting, as well as serious heart problems and respiratory distress. If large amounts are ingested and measures are not taken in time, it can also prove fatal. Apart from that, the bone can choke him.
However, the core of the fruit itself can be found as an ingredient in some treats for shiny fur and healthy teeth. Minimal amounts of the soft part of the avocado cannot harm the dog, and the products in question have passed strict veterinary control. Thus, when choosing the best vitamins for Chihuahua, you have to read the ingredients. This way, you will not harm your pet in any way.
The apple may be a priceless fruit for humans, but it holds dangers for the dog. The skin of apple seeds is toxic to dogs due to the content of the substance amygdalin, or cyanogenic glycoside. However, the fruit itself is not such a problem.
Some seeds and nuts
Amygdalin substance is also found in some raw nuts and seeds of other fruits such as those of apricots, peaches, and plums, as well as in bitter almonds. The pits/seeds of these fruits can cause intestinal problems in the dog. For them to be dangerous, they must have ingested large amounts of them, but still, be careful.
With macadamia nuts, however, even small amounts can be deadly. Symptoms include muscle tremors, vomiting, fever, and hind limb weakness and good veterinary care can resolve within 12 to 48 hours.
Sugar, candy and chocolate
It’s good to know that chocolate with these macadamia nuts is an even more dangerous combination. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which accelerate the heart rate and stimulate the nervous system. The reaction depends on the type of chocolate, the amount ingested and your dog’s weight.
Ingesting too much caffeine and theobromine can cause vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, increased heart rate, seizures, and even death. All of this also applies to cocoa powder and caffeinated teas.
As for the sweet stuff, the harm to dogs comes from sugar, which can lead to heart problems, dental problems, obesity, and diabetes.